How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes Or Eye Bags?
August 16, 2021 2021-08-16 8:26How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes Or Eye Bags?
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How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes Or Eye Bags?
Are you looking for a solution of puffy eyes or bags under your eyes?
If I am not wrong all the cream and home remedies have shown little improvement so far. Puffy eye can occur alone or more commonly along with other types of dark circle. Watch this video to find out the type of dark circles you have:
Under-eye creams and home remedies can help with pigmentation and slight puffiness in under eye area . Creams mostly are ineffective in reducing puffy eye completely. To know the real solution of puffy eyes, we interviewed the renowned plastic surgeon, Dr Debraj Shome.
Dr. Debraj Shome, founder of The Esthetic Clinic, has 40+ research papers in international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Top 10 Cosmetic Surgeons in India”, Best Oculoplastic Surgeon in India” to his credits. You can reach him at and read his blogs on plastic surgery at
Read further to know how to get rid of puffy eyes or eye bags from the pioneer in this field, Dr Debraj.
What are puffy eyes?
Dr Debraj: Check out this video for the beautiful explanation of how puffy eyes occur and why home remedies or cream do not help in reducing them:
What causes puffy eyes?
Dr Debraj: As explained in the above video, puffy eyes occur due to the accumulation of fluid or fat or both in the under-eye area.
What is the treatment for puffy eyes?
Dr Debraj: The treatment of puffy eyes varies with the cause.
Puffy eyes due to the protrusion of fat need the following procedures:
- Fillers: Fillers can be infected to level the skin in under eye area so that puffy eyes are no more visible. It is a 10 minutes procedure that gives instant results. But it is very important to consult an experienced plastic surgeon or dermatologist for this procedure for best results.
- An invasive procedure like transconjunctival blepharoplasty is the best option for reducing puffy eyes due to the protrusion of fat as discussed in the above video. Watch this video for results of surgery done by Dr Debraj:
Puffy eye due to fluid accumulation might respond to the following:
- CO2 LASER help in the development of lymphatic vessels and help in the drainage of excess fluids.
- Reduce salt in the diet.
- Adequate sleep
- Treat hypertension, cardiac, and renal disease (if any).
- Exercise regularly.
- Excess alcohol and smoking should be avoided
- Facials with the concentric rubbing of eyes might boost lymphatic drainage temporarily but is not a solution for puffy eyes.
The dark hue of the eye bags can be reduced with help of:
Eye creams with Vitamin K can help in reducing blood vessel congestion that leads to the purple hue of undereye skin.
Eye creams with skin lighteners like kojic acid, liquorice, hydroquinone can reduce the brown to the black hue of puffy eyes. For brand recommendation, click “Best dermatologist recommended under eye cream.”
What is the average cost of treatment?
Dr Debraj: The cost varies with procedures as discussed below:
Filler: Average cost of filler in India is 20,000 to 30,000 INR per ml and 0.1-0.2 ml of filler is needed for correcting puffy eyes. The charges vary with the expertise of the doctor.
Blepharoplasty: The cost of surgery is around INR 75,000 to 100,000 per eye. Obliviously the cost doubles for both eyes.
Fractional CO2 LASER: The cost of CO2 LASER for under eye area is INR 5000-7000 per session and you will need approximately 4-6 sessions for treatment of puffy eyes. We often recommend full-face sessions for people with aged skin that costs around 20,000 to 30,000 per session.
Puffy eyes are mostly due to fat or fluid accumulation in the delicate skin under your eye. Instead of wasting your efforts on eye cream or home remedies, consult a plastic surgeon or dermatologist for a long term solution.
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