Cause And Cure Of Psoriasis-Should you try Ayurveda?
May 1, 2016 2016-05-01 12:15Cause And Cure Of Psoriasis-Should you try Ayurveda?
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Cause And Cure Of Psoriasis-Should you try Ayurveda?
Psoriasis is very common skin condition that needs constant care and treatment. While allopathy has no definitive cure for this chronic disease, lot of patients turn to alternative medicines. Today it is an honour to have DR.GAURANG JOSHI, the President of International Psoriasis Foundation and International Ayurveda Physician and expert Ayurveda Dermatologist to enlighten us about the Ayurvedic aspect of Psoriasis.
Dr Gaurang Joshi is Medical director of Atharva Multi-Specialty Ayurveda Hospital and CEO of Green Tree Botanicals, Chairman-Atharva Life Science Academic and Research Foundation. He is faculty in International Academy of Ayurved for Overseas and editor of Journal of Cancer Prevention and Current Research, Oklahoma, USA. He can be reached at
Dermatocare: What causes psoriasis according to Ayurveda?
Dr. Joshi: Skin diseases have been described in Ayurveda under the heading of Kushtha, and Psoriasis is been described as Ek Kushtha by our Acharyas. When Vata and Kapha doshas get involved, further vitiating Ras, Rakta Dhatu to accumulate in the Twak(skin) causing Ek Kushtha(Psoriasis). In Ayurveda, the causative factors have been classified in 2 groups-Bahya(External)and Abhyantar(Internal). As per our clinical experience, we have found 3 main causative factors for Psoriasis:
- Virudhdha Ahaar or inappropriate food combinations. Nowadays due to a very busy lifestyle and schedule, people don’t have a proper diet. They are eating anything, anytime, anywhere without proper food combinations, in irregular patterns which means there is no routine in lunch, dinner and breakfast times.
- Virudhdha Vihar or improper lifestyle including stress. People are having lots of stress related to work, business, family issues like children, finance, disturbed personal relationships, not taking enough sleep; these all are aggravating and main causative factors we found for Psoriasis. Sometimes, improper use of synthetic soaps, shampoo, clothes, allopathic medicines(Drug Induced)may become the causative factors for skin disease like an allergy that may be in a later stage become the causative factor for Psoriasis too.
- Adrishta Hetu-unknown factor may be Hereditary or Genetic.
Dermatocare: Is there any role of diet in Psoriasis? What are your recommendations for psoriasis diet?
Dr Joshi: Yes, of course. Diet has a big role in Psoriasis both in incidence and management as mentioned above. We need to avoid the causative factors for the management of Psoriasis, as in Ayurveda’s 1st line of treatment is Nidana Parivarjanam which means to avoid causative factors, so I can say the diet which aggravates the disease must be avoided, as we strongly believe that when diet is wrong medicine of no use and when diet is correct medicine of no need. Normally the diet mentioned below should be followed by the patients:
Avoid common salt instead use Rock Salt In less quantity.
All non-vegetarian food should be avoided except boiled eggs and some types of fishes, that too with the permission of the physician.
Avoid red chillies, green chillies, chilli powder, garlic, onion etc.
Avoid fried food items.
No milkshakes, no fruits salad , no milk after eating fruits for half an hour(to avoid inappropriate food combinations). For more details, click here.
Avoid spicy, sour tastes as well as citric foods and fruits.
Avoid the food that aggravate Vata and Kapha as these 2 are the main doshas which are involved in psoriasis according to Ayurveda. These include sweets, food items of the dry and pungent taste, frozen food, left over food, fermented food, fast food etc.
In conclusion, Psoriasis patients should take freshly cooked food each time. Cooked vegetables are highly recommended.
Dermatocare: Is there a cure for psoriasis in Ayurveda?
Dr. Joshi: According to Ayurveda there are certain diseases that come under the category of Yapya (manageable). We can definitely manage Psoriasis with Ayurvedic treatment protocols that include- Diet, Life style management, Stress Management, Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment, Herbs, Yoga and Meditation. A patient can become asymptomatic with these protocols, however, the patient has to follow the Diet, Life style and stress management throughout one’s life.
Dermatocare: Please recommend some natural therapy for psoriasis that can be tried at home?
Dr. Joshi: Diet and life style recommend by Ayurveda physician can be tried at home. In Psoriasis, skin becomes dry often, along with scaling of the skin. In this condition patients need to apply moisturizer, and the best natural moisturizer that is available in our home is Virgin Coconut oil, which is the best natural application for psoriasis patients, along with natural sunlight, but for further line of treatment you should consult qualified Ayurveda Physician.
Dermatocare: What kind of psoriasis treatment is given in Ayurveda?
Dr. Joshi: Treatment aspects of Psoriasis in Ayurveda based on the following protocol:
- Diet and Life Style Management (Stress Management is very important)
- Internal Purification with the help of Ayurveda Panchakarma (Specially Virechana Treatment, Blood letting, Shirodhara for stress Management, Abhyanga(Massage) with Herbal oil to moisturize the skin etc.). Acharya Charaka has said: “Punah Punah Shodhan” which means often and often. This indicates the requirement of purification for disease-free survival, and this is the best line of treatment in Psoriasis. All the mentioned above must be done under a qualified Ayurveda Physician.
- Some Herbal Formulations– Ayurveda having some herbs that are very good for skin diseases both for internal use and for external application.
- Yoga and Meditation for the management of stress in addition to the Panchakarma Treatment.
Dermatocare: What is the average duration of psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda?
Dr Joshi: It depends upon severity, toxicity and patient’s mental status with the disease; still it requires a long term treatment plan with regular follow-up. Most important is to follow diet, lifestyle and stress management throughout the life because Psoriasis may re-occur with a little carelessness in Diet and life style. for more detail, click here.
I would like to warn patients not to go for Ayurveda treatment from an unauthentic Ayurveda Doctors who are claiming to cure Psoriasis and other diseases. Nor do any treatment by reading articles in newspapers or on internet, consultation with a qualified Ayurveda Physicians only for better quality and ethical treatment is a must.
Please do watch this video regarding the role of Ayurvedic treatment in skin diseases:
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