10 green tea skin benefits- know from dermatologist
May 1, 2014 2014-05-01 10:2010 green tea skin benefits- know from dermatologist
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10 green tea skin benefits- know from dermatologist
“Doctor, what are green tea skin benefits? Does drinking green tea helps skin? How to use green tea in my face pack or toner?” Yes, green tea benefits your skin both on drinking and when applied to the skin. In fact, it deserves a daily intake since it also has anti-cancer, anti-obesity, cardio-protective, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-ageing effects. All of these benefits are attributed to unique catechin called as epigallocatechin gallate in the green tea.
1. Weight loss:
Even the best of skin loses its charm due to disproportionate body stats. Research shows that continued use of green tea might help in reducing weight; adding few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of honey would be a tastier and healthier way for weight loss.
2. Skin repair and Anti-ageing:
Green tea is rich in anti-oxidants like catechin and vitamin C that help in healing the damage caused by harmful oxidants in UV rays, pollution, chemicals, etc.
3. Protection against sunburn:
Green tea extract when applied before sun exposure can reduce your chances of getting sunburn.
4. Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial:
A cup of green tea helps fighting common viral and bacterial infections without side effects of allopathic medicines. Next time you get cold or a sore throat, sip a hot cup of green tea with honey and lemon.
5. Anti-cancer:
The mechanism by which green tea helps in preventing cancer from developing and reducing the spread of cancer cells has been studied extensively. Who knows this cup might save you from impending deadly cancer and add precious years to your life.
6. Warts treatment:
Extracts from green tea have been used to treat warts in the genital area without side effect and recurrences.
7. Oral lichen planus:
This name might look alien to all except those who are actually suffering from this distressing skin disease. The cup of green tea might help in the healing of painful ulcers in the mouth due to Lichen planus.
8. Psoriasis:
Green tea has been seen to reduce psoriasiform lesions.
9. Hair growth:
Green tea extract promotes hair re-growth, especially in Male Pattern Baldness.
10. Boosts immunity:
Green tea helps in fighting all kind of diseases including that of skin, by stimulating your immune response.
Which skin types can use green tea?
Everyone can extract benefits from drinking a cup of green tea; provided it does not cause any side effect. For topical use on skin, all skin types can add green tea to a toner or face pack. However, those with sensitive skin should preferably do the patch test on the back of ear before using it for the first time.
How to use green tea for my skin?
A cup of green tea a day would not only keep you fit but also add the glow to your skin. For direct application on the skin, use freshly prepared green tea by retaining few drops from your daily cup for use as a toner or in the face pack.
What are side effects of green tea?
A lot of my patients complain that they cannot tolerate green tea. So, we would suggest that if you are the first time green tea drinker, please look for signs of giddiness, vomiting, itching, acidity etc. If you develop one of these, it is better to avoid it. It is advisable to consult your doctor before taking this herb during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Since green tea can irritate sensitive skin, the patch test should be done before applying it on the skin for the first time.
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