How to get rid of spots on face: know from dermatologist
August 31, 2021 2021-08-31 6:32How to get rid of spots on face: know from dermatologist
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How to get rid of spots on face: know from dermatologist
“Doctor, I am getting spots on my face, I hope it is not cancerous, how can I get rid of them?”
The spots on the face not only bother you for cosmetic reasons but raise an alarm if they are cancerous. However, there are many entities in the skin that can look like black spots – may it be a mole or an age spot, you need not worry. Your dermatologist can handle them with ease and reduce spots on face easily. This article lists common spots on the face along with treatment options to reduce them.
Moles are black or brown coloured round raised spots present mostly on the face, but can occur on any part of the body. Moles can appear in later age especially during adolescence; this negates common myth that moles are present from birth. These black beauty spots can grow in size and lose their colour and can develop tuft of hair. Moles can be easily removed by a Dermatologist. So, in case you aren’t really fond of your moles, getting rid of them is definitely an option!
Most of our patients are worried about cancerous changes in moles; you should seek an expert opinion if a mole changes in colour, size, shape, bleeds or develops a raw surface. You might also like to read my reviews on skin-lightening skin care products.
These are hanging outgrowths covered with normal skin commonly present on neck, eyelids, armpits or groins. These are benign and are quite common in obese or diabetic individuals Skin tags in younger age group mandates ruling out diabetes mellitus or hormonal imbalance. You can easily get rid of them with the help of a Dermatologist.
They are tiny brown or black raised spots often present at multiple points on the face and neck. Age spots are often confused with freckles which are lighter. Moreover, you cannot feel freckles with fingers while in the case of Seborrheic keratosis; it is possible. Again, your dermatologist can remove them with Radiofrequency or Laser.
Milia are small white bumps present on the face usually around your eyes; they are often confused with white heads. Thick, occlusive cream and sun damage has been implicated in causation, so regular use of sunscreens is advocated and lotions or serums based moisturisers should be preferred over thick creams or ointments. They are usually extracted with the help of a needle by your dermatologist.
Sebaceous hyperplasia is seen in the form of yellow to pink coloured bumps usually present on T-zone of those with oily and thick skin.
These small red coloured bumps that appear to be filled with blood, usually are present on abdomen and arms. They are more common to appear in older age groups.
When to visit Dermatologist?
We should visit a dermatologist opinion for the diagnosis of your spots in case of doubt. However, all the above-described entities are harmless, and you can get them removed for cosmetic reasons under the supervision of Dermatologist or a Plastic surgeon. You also need an expert consultation; if your moles changes in size, shape, colour, bleeds, causes pain or develops a raw area to rule out any development of cancer.
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