Male Pattern Baldness or Androgenetic Alopecia
August 27, 2021 2021-08-27 10:11Male Pattern Baldness or Androgenetic Alopecia
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Male Pattern Baldness or Androgenetic Alopecia
Written By Dr Arika Bansal, MD Skin
“Doctor, I have Male Pattern Baldness. Should I use Minoxidil, or opt for LASERS or hair transplant?” With the advent of multiple treatment options to handle Male Pattern Baldness, it is very difficult to understand which treatment is the best. Today, we have a leading hair expert; Dr Arika Bansal to throw some light on which treatment is best suited for Male Pattern Baldness.
Dr Arika is a certified surgery expert by the American Board of Hair Restoration who innovated a new technique of hair transplant called as DHT. She can be reached at
Dermatocare: What is the staging of MPB? What is the usual progression pattern of patients with MPB?
Dr Arika: The staging of male patterned baldness is done according to the Hamilton-Norwood classification of androgenetic alopecia. It can start at any age ranging from as early as 19 years to as late as 55 years. It is a slowly progressive process which might take decades at times to progress till the last stage; however, sometimes it may progress fast within a span of 1 to 2 years only.
Read: Complete Dermatologist Guide On Alopecia Or Hair Loss
Dermatocare: What are various procedure options for Male pattern Baldness?
Dr Arika: The various procedure options for Male pattern Baldness include Low light laser therapy (LLLT), Platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP), Mesotherapy, Hair transplantation by the “strip” technique (FUT) and Follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique.
Read: How Hair Transplant Is Done- Know From An Expert
Dermatocare: At what stage of MPB, do you recommend LASERS?
Dr Arika: Lasers are advisable only when the hair loss is minimal and in very early stages. It is ineffective in advanced or complete baldness. Laser devices for home use include “comb”, “brush” or “cap”. Larger devices in the form of “hood” or “helmets” are available at hair restoration clinics.
To Consult dermatologist for your hair loss, click here
Dermatocare: At what stage of MPB, do you recommend PRP or Mesotherapy?
Dr Arika: PRP and mesotherapy are recommended when the baldness is in early stage and the patients have failed to respond to medical management in the form of oral Finasteride and topical Minoxidil.
Dermatocare: Who is an ideal candidate for hair transplant? Who should not opt for hair transplant?
Dr Arika: In andorgenetic alopecia, ideal candidate for hair transplant are those who have a significantly bald scalp in the frontal, midscalp or the crown area alongwith a good density in the donor area (i.e. the sides & back of scalp). Other indications, in which successful hair transplants have been performed include stable cicatricial alopecia, traumatic alopecia, stable vitiligo and tractional alopecia.
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