Skin care regime for Oily skin with pimples, open pores, dark spots
September 28, 2021 2021-09-28 7:38Skin care regime for Oily skin with pimples, open pores, dark spots
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Skin care regime for Oily skin with pimples, open pores, dark spots
Lately, one of the users asked me “Doctor, how to care for oily skin with pimples, open pores, dark spots, that too at home? ”
I know how it feels to have so many skin problems at the same time, especially this combination of greasy skin studded with pimples and dark spots on the background of open pores can ruin the looks of your skin. Ideally, you should see a dermatologist, especially if you have sensitive skin because most of the products listed in this article might irritate your sensitive skin.
For those of you who can’t see a dermatologist right away, read this article to know the skincare regime to handle oily skin with pimples, open pores, dark spots at home with either homemade products or skincare products from the market.
Step 1 Wash your face:
A right kind of face wash that can control your oil secretion, without making it over dry is the backbone of your skin care regime. You can either:
- Make this homemade face wash for oily skin. I am a big fan of this face wash because it controls oil secretions and reduces open pores and acne with the help of fuller earth, neem and tea tree oil.
- Buy one of the face wash listed in this article, 3 best cleansers for oily skin.
Contrary to common belief, there is no need to spend on the face wash that promises brightening effect because face wash is unlikely reduce your pigmentation.
Step 2 Use toner:
After washing and pat drying your face, apply toner. Toner is essential in your case to remove excess oils and to close your pores. You can either
Step 3: Apply sunscreen:
Finally, apply sunscreen atleast 30 minutes before stepping out in the bright sun. Sun protection is absolutely necessary in your case to prevent further darkening of your skin, however, sunscreens might increase your pimples. Therefore, you can either:
- Skip this step, provided, you can religiously follow these sun protection methods or
- Buy Bioderma Photoderm Akn Mat Fluid Sunscreen that is less likely to clog your pores and cause acne.
Step 4 Makeup:
If you do love to put make-up then you can try the foundation or BB cream with salicylic acid, for example, Maybelline Dream Pure BB cream.
Step 1 Face wash:
Well, washing your face in the night before sleeping is important to remove the dust and dirt that settles during the day, or else it might clog your pores and cause acne. You can either:
- Make this homemade face wash for oily skin. I am a big fan of this face wash because it controls oil secretions and reduces open pores with the fuller earth. It also prevents acne with the help of neem along with tea tree oil.
- Buy one of the face wash listed in this article, 3 best cleansers for oily skin.
Step 2 Toner:
After washing and pat drying your face, apply toner. Toner is essential in your case to remove excess oils and to close your pores. You can either
Step 3 Apply night cream:
This is the most important step that can help in addressing your key skin issues, namely, pimples, open pores and dark spots. Here are the options based on the type of acne and pigmentation:
- Primarily black/whiteheads with few dark patches: Apply Neutrogena rapid clear defense lotion on full face followed by Biluma cream on dark patches only.
- Primarily red or pus-filled pimples with few dark patches: Apply 2.5% benzoyl peroxide on full face followed by Biluma cream on dark patches only.
- Few Red pimples that heal leaving a dark mark: Apply Neutrogena Rapid Clear 2-in-1 Fight & Fade Gel on your pimples to stop both acne and pigmentation.
Once in a week, you should invest some extra time on your skin, by scrubbing your face gently followed by application of a face pack.
Step 1 Scrub:
Scrubbing helps to remove dead cells that block your pores. It also accelerates the shedding of pigmented cell. Therefore, you should scrub your face once in a week. However, avoid scrubbing if you have many red or pus-filled pimples. You can either:
- Mix aloe vera with brown sugar to make a scrub as discussed in this article, homemade scrub for oily skin or
- Buy Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant scrub.
Step 2 Apply face pack:
After scrubbing, nourish your skin with a face pack that can reduce oil secretion, open pores, pimples and dark patches. Face packs have an advantage of packing your skin with active ingredients for a prolonged time so that they can seep in for the maximum benefit. You can either:
In the end, I would like to emphasise that your skin will take some time to respond. Therefore, try this skin care regime religiously for at least 1 month, before the first sign of improvement is evident and continue for 3 months. However, if you do not see any improvement, then discontinue and see a dermatologist near you.
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