8 Tips To Reduce Acne Breakouts
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<strong>8 Tips To Reduce Acne Breakouts</strong>
Persistent acne breakouts are now common, not only in teens but also adults.
Acne occurs when your sebaceous glands become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, causing acne. Teenagers are most likely to suffer from acne, but it affects people of all ages.
Despite not posing a serious health threat, acne has significant emotional and social consequences. Acne can lead to low self-confidence, negatively affecting your social life or work productivity.
Effective acne treatments, such as acne fighting blue light therapy, isotretinoin, and retinoids, are available. However, one treatment might effectively eliminate one type of acne. Fortunately, you can take some steps to help reduce breakouts and maintain healthy skin. The following tips will help you lessen acne breakout and achieve clear skin:
1. Wash Your Face Properly
When it comes to reducing acne, hygiene plays a significant role. It is essential to have a routine for washing your face. But take note not to overdo it. As a general rule, it would help if you only washed your face twice a day.
Washing your face lessens inflammation and eliminates microorganisms linked to acne-causing breakouts. As much as possible, use cleansers that are fragrance-free, sulfate-free, and gentle enough to be used twice daily. You can consult a dermatologist to ask for the recommended safe products for sensitive skin.
Wash your face using your hands and fingers. Do not scrub or rub, as it might cause more acne and irritation. Do not use a mesh sponge or washcloth. Pat dry your face dry with a clean towel, insted of rubbing.
2. Do not pop pimples
Leave your acne alone and let them heal naturally. Pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads can be annoying, and for sure, you’d want to get rid of them by popping them or squeezing them, but that is not advisable.
Doing so may cause infection and a prolonged healing time. It may also cause some scarring and will leave a permanent unpleasant mark on your face.

3. Have A Healthy Diet
A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology reveals that consuming fewer sweets and carbohydrate-rich food reduces breakouts. For more details, read our article, Diet for acne free skin
Nevertheless, eating nutritious foods is still beneficial because it may help clear your skin. It’s best to keep a diet journal to determine if any particular foods cause your outbreaks.
4. Avoid Using Make Up
Avoid wearing it if you have an acne breakout because it can occlude your oil-secreting gland leading to white/blackheads. People with acne may discover that thick cosmetics, such as concealers and foundations, aggravate their condition.
You can wait until your breakout improves and only use cosmetics that are good for sensitive skin and work for your skin type.
5. Keep Your Hair Tidy
Although this may sound absurd, your hair may also contribute to acne problems, especially if you sweat a lot.
Hair carries oil and dirt. So, keeping your hair tidy and away from your face as much as possible is ideal. You should wash your hair more frequently if you have oily hair.
Some hair products, such as gels and pomades, may worsen acne. Therefore, if you have acne on your forehead, you should discontinue them.
6. Avoid Exposure To The Sun
If you have acne breakouts, it is not ideal to go sunbathing. It is impossible to treat acne or eradicate the germs that cause it by exposing your skin to the sun.
Contrary to popular opinion, exposure to the sun will not help dry out your pimples; the sun will actually make your acne worse.
If you have to be outside during the day, wear sunscreen on your face to help protect your skin. Look for a sunscreen that is gel base and non-comedogenic because it will stop the progression of your acne.
7. Hydrate
Being hydrated removes toxins from the body through your digestive system. Your complexion will improve, giving you more radiant, healthier skin. Drink 2-3 liters of water daily.
8. Consult A Specialists
Even after trying everything and the acne is still not improving, you can visit a dermatologist to help you with your breakouts. Dermatologists can help assess what’s causing the acne breakouts and can provide treatments for them.
Dealing with acne doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s a long and tedious process. It takes patience to see the results and diligence to make it happen.
These tips can help you manage and reduce acne, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all. It varies because each one has different skin types and conditions.
Some of the tips listed above may work for you, and some may not. So, choose whichever you think applies and see what works for you.
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